This video gives you some amazing truths! Mikael Thomsen, a young Danish preacher, with a fire for the gospel, delivers this thought provoking video which echoes the true meaning of being His follower. Watch it and THINK BOUT IT!
Checked the website. Loved this: The Cross. "The subject is worthy of an angel's tongue; it needs Christ himself completely to expound it... Abide hard by the cross, and search the mystery of his wounds." ~Charles H. Spurgeon
How true! We sometimes forget the essential truths of being His true disciple!!
This is an amazing message. He has a website too....
Checked the website. Loved this: The Cross. "The subject is worthy of an angel's tongue; it needs Christ himself completely to expound it... Abide hard by the cross, and search the mystery of his wounds."
~Charles H. Spurgeon
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