VERSE: But when the kindness of God our Savior and {His} love for mankind appeared, He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs according to {the} hope of eternal life. Titus 3:4-7
The participation of the Trinity in our salvation is just amazing and the role of each person in the Trinity is as important as the other! The Father’s love relationship with man is illustrated through His ultimate sacrifice of His Son who redeemed man from the filth of sin so that the Father could forgive mankind and give him the hope of eternal life. Jesus our Savior sent the Holy Spirit who would renew us so we no longer have to live under condemnation (Rom 8:1). It is also added that He poured out this Spirit abundantly so that our hearts are renewed and the guilt of sin is removed. Again Paul makes it very clear that we haven’t attained this through our works but because of His mercy alone. Paul also brings out the symbols of salvation that is water baptism where we become dead to sin and alive in Christ. Col 2:12-13 says that “Having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised up with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead. When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross”. This all-clear certificate gives us the ultimate hope of eternal life and that is the ultimate salvation plan!
THOUGHT: Are you living each day believing that you have been redeemed by the Son, forgiven by the Father and renewed by the Holy Spirit from the guilt of your sin?
All verses have been quoted from the New American Standard Bible, Copyright (c) 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved.
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